Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Buzz extras
Jaslen from "America's Next Top Model" with DK's Aubrey and D Woods ( I wander what they were drinkin)
New Vibe Cover! and guess who got it
Who needs that title when a picture says it all. Nice compromise Nas!

Last night with an Oscar Winner!......(work in progress)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Buzz has gone to video!!!!!
Shout out to Renard, Jay and Maurice at the station for giving the the tools and the time ill even take my scarf off my head! lol
Usher you betta stand up for your woman!
He was on TRL yesterday and went off tangent about his wife and how he is a strong Black Man and more should stand up like him! I love it! It starts around 2:22
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I am really liking this dress and yall are gonna love her role!
Ok so I met Shemeka at Bookbinders downtown for a special cocktail party the movie promotion company gave for some VIP's. Yall know Shemeka is a producer at CN8 now so she bigger then me so I just keep close lol. Anyway as soon as I go to the check out table I run into Berlinda (Fox producer) and Lady Nutter aka Lisa Nutter

(Good Day Philadelphia) comes in and we are informed that they will be showing the movie at 2 theaters. So some of us divide. Shout out to Irize I know youre glad I asked you to go to one of Envy's Single in the City events (cuz they gave out free tix to the premiere). The line at the Ritz East was re damn diculous, but thanks to smooth talkin Shemeka leading us girls we walked in with no problems.
Then we walked in and it was like a real event. I mean each chair had big Nicole Miller bag with lots of goodies. And we each had a big Vitamin Water in our cup holder (and what a relief because you know how expensive those Ritz's can be). Anyway slowyly but sure the lights went off (after they did giveways consisting of diamond studs, a Nicole Miller dress and a Juicy purse). The crowd roared with applause as the opening credits came on briefly giving us a backstory on all our favorite girls. Man I aint gonna lie I instantly started crying in excitement, fyi so was Shemeka (she handed out tissues in the beginning of the movie). And I must say that this movie attacked everything I wandered about after the Series Finale. Can Miranda and Steve really make it? Will Samatha really be able to be true to Smith? What would Carrie wear to her ideal wedding (PS that question gets answered numerous times)? And how bout Charlotte and her baby issues? Oh and the fashion! Ladies the fashion! Patricia Field out did herself! Just go see it with your girls or your guy and you will appreciate either relationship when you leave...or maybe you will change your mind about love!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
So you know the dude in the song with the Roots and Chrisette Michelle?
Usher..Listen to "Laiya's Music Moment" before you buy it

Its Official! The Cleveland Show is here

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Stuff I forgot to post...

Ok so I know what youre thinking "I cant tell...will he or wont he be cute?" I guess time will tell
Yo check out crazy eyes right here! whats up with that? lol Nice dress though. Man when I grow up I wanna go to Cannes
Man check out this work of art that Natalie Portman wore in Cannes

Saturday, May 24, 2008

PS dont forget we are having a special "Behind the Beats" with Jennifer next Thursday, May29th at Fusion. Everybody is invited you just have to be there by 5:00 and say "Im lovin Laiya on 100.3 The Beat" (i might need a petition too lol). There will be a few treats too!
Friday, May 23, 2008
More buzz extras

Things going on in your city this weekend...
Southbound Broad is closed from Race Street to Arch. They SAY it will only be for 8 days, but they arent sure so, beware lol.
Oh and the Zoo.
Check out this story for all my parents
The Philadelphia Zoo is opening its' Children's Zoo on Saturday and Sunday with some special one-time events.
Meanwhile, a $2 shuttle service will begin from the Independence Visitors Center.
The Zoo summer shuttle launches this weekend and runs full-time beginning June 1st, making stops at the Independence Visitors Center and 30th Street Station before dropping visitors at the Zoo's front gate.
The shuttle costs $2, and visitors can now also buy and print their Zoo tickets at home through the Zoo's website.
It's also the Children's Zoo Memorial Day Weekend Kickoff, when kids can participate in some one-time special events.
For more info the website is
Thursday, May 22, 2008
In other news...

Yo thanks to Bossip I found these really cool pics. This photographer Derek Blanks out of Atlanta does this crazy mirror pics or as he calls them, Alter Ego shots. Check out this one of Mashonda..yes they are both her!
Chrisette, the fan and the artist
Triple threat Tisha Campbell

What? Thats my uncle Rak and his wife Aunt Michelle and my cousins! Aint they cute? lol
Here's my uncle with one of the Native American citizens in Oregon...we are so proud of him
Meanwhile my sista Estelle was gettin it in last night in NY
UH oh check out Diddy with Tracey Edmonds...can we say major movie project comin? I think so!
Yo i think its really cool that the movie studio allowed 106 and Park to have their own screening of Indiana Jones! Harrison even came out! Terrence you done made it!
Goodbye to a Philly Legend, its the end of an era...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Jay-Z actually looks nervous...
OK Usher I dont think you understand...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Ok i need you not to fake right now...
Heres the interview..
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Oh wait I bet you thought the ignorance was over huh?

Now this is some cracka shhhhhh
Whoa did yall see Fantasia on American Idol last night?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
In efforts to consolidate there will be 1 blog by me

I still havent seen Cat on A Hot Tin Roof but at leasts the Ross's did

Thats Amy Winehouse and that guy who used to date Kate Moss and got caught with all them drugs.....yuck
but they do look good together lol match made in heaven
And what is wrong with the Game? Is this supposed to be artistic?
Yoooo Have yall seen Collin Ferrell lately? They say he looks like that for a movie but-ter ummmm......
Awww how cute...Faith and Lil Biggie on the set of the movie