Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
How about I make you a drink today after work? Come on its for a good cause lol!
What: Cocktails for a Cause on Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
Who: State Representative Tony Payton, Jr. (bartending from 5:00pm to 5:20pm)
Laiya St.Clair, Radio and TV Personality (bartending from 6:00pm to 6:30pm)
When: 5:00pm to 7:00pm Where: Chris’ Jazz Café, 1421 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Friday, October 23, 2009
Ahhhh finally a good week...well for me at least

and a few other heavily impressive ladies. Interesting documentary. I had a few thoughts and feelings. Like I had a moment of "dang when the good white folks watch this will they really learn more about us or laugh at us?". But I understand that in this Obama Nation in order to understand each other we have to learn about each other. So I got over that (kinda). I also wanted a little more in the history area (uh Madame CJ Walker anyone?), but again it was a great start and if it changes one woman's mind about putting that chemical in her 6 year old daughter's hair, I'm happy. Anyway, we had a nice discussion that led to the next day when Syretta invited me to come to her flagship store (shes got 2!) to have a continued discussion, but this one was filmed Fox29! Shout out to Berlinda and Mike Garrett of "Good Day Philadelphia" (who asked all the right questions!). It will air Monday, October 25 in the 9:00 hour, I believe.
Check out some of my behind the scene footage. Its short, but its Berlinda (producer of Good Day, Syretta and Mike!)
So after I left Duafe I moseyed on down or out to Jersey to see my homie D. McNabb and his fabulously plumb wife Roxy (its cool shes pregnant lol) donate a NICE amount to Virtual Hospital for their neo natal unit. And yes their name will be on the Building. It will be called, "The McNabb Family Neonatal Intensive Care Unit". For more details go HERE
Oh but here is my lil video that shows the picture of Don and Roxy that will be put up on the wall of the hospital.
So then later that evening (yeah it was a long day) I headed over to see my homie, sista, friend, mentor, and guru of radio, Helen Little (who by the way has been my boss on 3 different occassions lol) speak at the Arts Garage. Watch as she explains the difference between a "stalker" and a "researched stalker" lol, which most of us need to be. She starts telling a story about how she really wanted to meet the announcer for the Atlanta Hawks and how she made it happen. OH and how she had to get on the floor at Madison Square Garden to make it happen (not an easy task)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Talkin bout Good and Bad Hair...whether youre dark or your faaaair
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Anna Sui hiding at Target? Jimmy Choo at H&M? Norma Kamali in Walmart!!!?

Friday, October 9, 2009
Man its been a long week ey?

And whoa Dr. King and President Obama have something in common ey? Wow the Nobel Peace Prize. I love how humble he is about accepting this prestigious award and rightfully so since he has not been in office for a year yet. But I believe like Obama believes that the award is less about President Obama but more about the effect that his campaign and life have had on the WORLD. After all for most, I believe, on the day he became President the World had a since of "peace" if not for a moment. And that feeling we felt drives us to know that better days are ahead. They have to be dont they? lol /-:
So as it was going off and Im about to change the channel...something happens to make me stop....its...its ...Foreign Exchange!
You know Phonte and Nicolay? Phonte from Little Brother!?! They met onlin on Okayplayer..Nicolay from Amsterdam, Phonte from Carolina...came together to make a group called "Foreign Exchange" with host of other talent? Made the first album ALL online without the 2 of them ever meeting in person!!? Anyway now you know! I Proudly say Phonte is one of my FAVORITE MC's and his singing voice is crazy!?!?! And Yazarah (Foreign Exchange mainstay) has a crazy voice too
So then I started to think about Yazarah (who I believe used to sing back up for Lauryn). And then I dug up this video of her showing off her chops WITH Deborah Bond and another singer, Allison Carney
And then I said let me check out one of my favorite NEW music site, and what do you know? I find a NEW QTIP VIDEO! Man nuffin like a lil Q-Tip to brigthen my day! And its of my favorite songs of his albm "The Rennaissance"...."Life Is Better" with Norah Jones
Oh and can you beleive they let Q-tip on 106 and Park to show his new video!?!?! If ya missed it...
Then i found thislil ditty from this singer Joy Jones...Fuuuunky
Oh and speaking of former background singers, can we talk NDambi (former E. Badu backgroun singer)? Her latest album just came out. Check her out! Makes me miss my fro'
Here is my other fav N'Dambi song...
Oh and if you still have open, go check out Bebel Gilberto's newest project. I swear if you close your eyes and listen to her it feels like youre in Brazil, ahhhhhh....

Oh and meanwhile in the land of Hip Hop we await "Hip Hop Honors" October 13th, but as usual the Roots never dissapoint. Here is a small piece of the show with Eminem and Black Thought
Eminem Eminem Video The Roots DJ Jazzy Jeff
Friday, October 2, 2009
Uh so maybe "Good Hair" did forget a couple of things..
Ahhhh the things you can learn from Essence Magazine lo

Also speaking of Essence Magazine. So Im reading the latest issue and may I add Mary's 4th cover of the year (we will get to that in a second). I found this article on the cast of "The Cosby Show 25 Years later". Yes 25 years! I know, I feel old too! Anyway its on page 59 if u wanna cheat and read it in the grocery store line. But Mr. Cosby said something that caught my eye. The last question the writer ask is "The Cosby Show, Part 3?" And Mr Cosby says, "Nope I wont make another sitcom. Im waiting for BET and TV One o wake up. Make that be the last line." right
And another thing since we are talkin about Essence. Whats up with the 50 covers of Mary and Gabrielle Union!?!? Are there no more impressive Black female celebs? And uh is it me or has Gabrielle been the ONLY Dark sista that can stand alone on the Essence cover? Viola Davis hello? Somebody said to me the other day it hasnt been the same since Susan Taylor left and its so true. Not that I lost love for Essence, cuz i NEED my recipes lol, butttttt lets just make sure ALL our "t's" are crossed over there! And for those thinking that Serena was on the cover not to long ago, uh she shared that homie, remember? lol
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Oprah and Michelle Obama put the word down for Chicago!
By the way although I love Brazil, its one of my favorite places to visit, Rio is not the place for the Olympics lol. I dont see anything coming out of that, but trouble. All those men from different countries trying to get a piece of what THEY think Brazil is famous for. Sound like some good set ups for robery and kidnapping. Like I was tellin a homie of mine who was saying you can get robbed in Chicago. THAT my friend is way different then the same happening in Brazil. Ive been there quite a few times and folks are HUNGRY in Brazil. They have different types of crime going on, lol. And then those who do consomate their trip, you gotta worry about them coming home and bringing something back with them. Seriously think about how our USA basketball team is gonna act when they step into Rio. Like kids in a candyshop, lol. Im telling you. Rio not the place lol. Also my mom just reminded me that Summer in Brazil is WINTER in Brazil lol. But let me also say do visit Brazil on your own it is a beautiful place filled with culture. Check the Archives for my pics from Salvdor Brazil if youre interested in going.

Now thats good lovin!
Wait Carol's Daughter teams up with Disney?
According to WWD, Carol's Daughter has signed a deal to create a new bath and body line inspired by Princess Tiana, who will make her movie introduction in limited release Nov. 25 (a full release is planned for Dec. 11).
"This is the first time I'll be able to take my daughter to a Disney movie where she'll see a princess with skin her color," said Carol's Daughter's chief executive officer and managing director Steve Stoute, speaking of his four-year-old daughter.
"African-American women have never been invited into the Disney experience — this is a major milestone for the Disney princess franchise," Stoute continued. "It will be very exciting to take my daughter to see the Ariel that looks like her, whose hair moves just like hers, and whose skin is beautifully brown and celebrated. And given Lisa's story, it is especially appropriate that Carol's Daughter is partnering with Disney for this project."
The collection will have four products, which will each retail for $10 and highlight a special lesson that Tiana learns during the movie. The products can be used by all women, but are especially formulated for African-American hair. The shampoo is made to care for fragile, dry hair, and contains aloe leaf juice. The conditioner also has aloe leaf juice, as well as sunflower seed and olive fruit oils to help detangle hair.
The line will launch this month and will be sold at Macy's, Dillard's and Carol's Daughter stores.
Ok so was I the only one that fell back in love with Oprah yesterday!?!?!
"If your hair is relaxed white people are relaxed. If your hair is nappy they are not happy" -Paul Mooney lol..
So on yesterday's Oprah she invited Chris and Solange on to talk about Black women and their hair.
An issue close to my heart or should I say a MAJOR issue in my life. Me being a natural girl and all. My hair has always been a determining factor from working out, to a job interview, and lets not forget sex lol. Anyway as I watched the show I just found myself getting a little emotional. I was so happy Oprah was embracing this topic and also that she brought her own story to the fold. Then when Chris started breaking down how conditioned us Black women are to have straight hair, when at the end of the day since so many women embrace this concept it doesn't make them look special. Watch as he explains what makes Solange and her new haircut special. And wait she had a perm at the age of 4!?!?!?
Great Show auntie O
Just in!!! Photo's from the LA Screening....just some of the Black Female Celebrities featured in the documentary