Footage from the set of Lil Kim's video for "Download"
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Man give it up to my girl Lil Kim real quick and I see you Dutch!
Footage from the set of Lil Kim's video for "Download"
Man I wasnt gonna post this new Maxwell song
Hey guys so if youre interested in the current state of radio...
Man Blame it on the Alcohol Fo Real

Anyway back to this Zoe Kravitz band which I hear was co founded by one of the most talented young men I've ever met, Khari Mateen(black guy in the pic lol), look at the credits for the last Roots project (hope I spelled it right Khari!) anyway biggups to my homie Tayyib for providing the pics on Twitter (did you know they have their own photo app!?!?!). But I still wanna know if the girl can sing????? Its like she dont exist on youtube lol or at least not soberly lol, but I love her style! What? Lisa Bonet mixed with Lenny? Just sounds funky by formula alone lol ! Oh PS if youre curious about Ms. Kravitz as well, I hear she will be making her BIG Philly debut at the Roots' Picnic, which I hear has already sold over 3,000 tickets!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ok so Im sitting here getting ready for a meeting..
Which made me start to thinkin about my favorite performers and shows. Cuz lets be honest there aint alot of GREAT performers these days. Especially when we starts to talkin about Hip Hip. I think its facinating how some of the greatest lyricists are often the most boring performers. What you disagree? Have ya never seen Nas or Jay live? ZZZZZZZ anyway so enough of the negativity how about we spotlight our favorite Hip Hop SHOWS!!! Ok Ill start and you know where I gots to go first cuz they never dissapoint! The Roots!!!!!! Even though Quest's Twitters are clogging up my phone right now, for (sh** Im gettin old)17 years these guys have been in my life uping the standard of live performance and challenging anyone in the arena. Now they are the HIGHLIGHT of your late night TV watching everynight and still manage to do a live show a week for the peoples! Come on now give it up!
Oh only live footage though! are a couple of my favs
Oh this next one I love cuz of what they did to the beginnin of the song. I like when the F**k SH** up a little! Peep Ahmir's sing skills
Oh but this next one is one of my FAVORITES! Let me tell you why!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wait Bea! I didnt say goodbye yet!
Yes officially time to bring out the summer dress!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Awwwwww Sh** FAMILY its your weekend and its time to Party!!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009
Ok so you wanna be all up in the Obama's pockets ey? Ok well lets do it! lol
*President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle released their 2008 tax returns on Wednesday. The couple, who filed jointly, earned $2,656,902 last year – mostly from the president's books, "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope." They paid $855,323 in federal income taxes, and $77,883 in Illinois state income taxes. They were set to receive a $26,000 refund, but instead applied the amount to their 2009 income taxes. The couple also donated $172,050 to 37 charities, including $25,000 each to CARE, which fights global warming, and the United Negro College Fund
Go head Miles teach the ol heads! lol
Ok somebody's in trouble!
TONY Jimmy Fallon Live
by yardie4lifever2
Speaking of Twitter did you hear that Oprah will be on today? Yup dont forget to watch her live at 4 if you have a TV at work or dont have a job like me! Oh and Marc Consuelos today )-:
Monday, April 13, 2009
Please pause for an "A Different World" moment
Friday, April 10, 2009
Whoa have you heard about the lineup for Rock the Bells?
Whoa! Thanks for the email Phil! Just looking at the lineup got me all excited, but then I remembered its a festival. Which means it will be in several cities. So the question is who is gonna be where? Anyway check out the press conference!
Hold up stop what youre doing right now!
Ok ready? Cuz its time for a Stevie Break!!!!
Welcome to Marijuana 101
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Ok Im supposed to be getting dressed, but Skillz just sent me this video and...
Skillz presents... Hip-Hop Confessions from Visually Inklined on Vimeo.
Kenny Gamble takes a listen to Santigold and has a lil message for her!
What the F Interscope!?!? Who you think you are droppin my girl!
Wow the White House makes History!
Will you actually be working in the White House?
Are you there as long as Obama's in office?
Safe to say you're taking a huge pay cut?
How long has this been in the works?
What was that conversation like?
Are you retiring from acting?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ok so about this Ferry thing..
This is my first time not only being on a ferry, but drivin a car on a
ferry. Now of course I've had my fun wit ferry's but that's a
different kind LOL. Hey Boys!!! Anyway shout out to my boo/ co-
pilot! Always an adventure
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Man my sister/friend/First Lady is doing her thing overseas!
Shouting out a homie...

Check HIM out
Biggups to my homie Ed! I needed this!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Ok so yall know how sometimes I get excited about sharing music that I really love...
Awww finally a post with purpose....

So today I went to Grover Washington Jr. Middle School on behalf of the good folks at "Need In Deed" , me and about 25 10-13yr olds had a conversation about the lyrics in music. Rock and Hip Hop (which I loved). They are working on this fantastic project that has the potential to effect the whole public school system in Philadelphia, really in the Country! I will tell you more as it develops, but I really enjoyed talking to such a ambitious, excited, smart and most importantly as my grandmother would say, courteous classroom. We spoke about Chris Brown and Rhianna, Lil Wayene, Aerosmith, Kanye, even Ledesi (I know!). So I thought I would share our pics lol