Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Dont worry Im about to post something with purpose in a minute, but..
So in today's "Things you thought you never would see"...

Ok so time to do some remodeling over here...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Yeooooo....so Im out visiting Kanye (yes on his blog duh)

Lovin this commercial!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
No goodbyes here!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
HA! Jersey gets red light cameras!
Cherry Hill Township, Camden County. Route 70 and Springdale Road.
Gloucester Township, Camden County. Four intersections along Blackwood Clementon Road (Rt. 534): at Cherrywood Drive, at Blenheim/Erial/New Brooklyn Road, at Little Gloucester Road (Rt. 759) and at Millbridge Road.
Stratford, Camden County. White Horse Road (Rt. 673) and Berlin Road (Rt. 702).
Deptford Township, Gloucester County. Route 41 and Deptford Center Road.
Glassboro, Gloucester County. Rt. 47 and Dalton Drive.
Monroe Township, Gloucester County. Two intersections on Route 322: at Route 42 and Rt. 612.
Brick Township, Ocean County. Two Route 70 intersections: at Cedar Bridge Avenue and at Chambers Bridge Road (Rt. 549)
Stafford Township (Manahawkin), Ocean County. Four intersections: Rt. 9 and Cedar Bridge Road/Hilliard Boulevard, Rt. 9 and Bay Avenue, Rt. 72 and Nautilus Drive, Rt. 72 and Stafford Park Boulevard.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
HIV/AIDS Rate in D.C. "Higher Than West Africa"
updated 11 minutes ago
It's a startling figure.Nearly 3,000 of every 100,000 people living in the nation's capital have HIV or AIDS, according to a report that will be released by D.C. health officials Monday.That's a little more than 15,000 people with the disease -- a total that well exceeds the 1 percent threshold for what makes up a "generalized and severe epidemic," according to the 2008 epidemiology report."Our rates are higher than West Africa," Shannon L. Hader, director of the District's HIV/AIDS Administration, told The Washington Post. "They're on par with Uganda and some parts of Kenya."Hader -- who led the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's work in Zimbabwe -- said every mode of transmission for the virus and the disease is rising, from men having sex with men, and heterosexual and injected drug use -- or, as noted by the study, "the true number of residents currently infected and living with HIV is certainly higher."More than 4 percent of blacks in the city are known to have HIV, along with almost 2 percent of Latinos and 1.4 percent of whites, according to the Post.More than three-quarters -- 76 percent -- of the HIV infected are black, 70 percent are men and 70 percent are age 40 and older.Despite the dire statistics, there was some good news in the District's report, the Post said. More people are getting HIV diagnoses early, while they are still healthy, a result of a policy of routine testing put in place by the city a couple of years ago.What To Do?Plain and simple: get tested and use condoms.A starting point should be the Whitman-Walker Clinic, which offers free HIV tests. If you're scared of needles, there's nothing to worry about. They can perform the test just by swabbing the inside of your mouth.Click here for a complete list of times and places where Whitman-Walker offers tests.The District offers free condoms. For more information on the distribution program, click here.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Hey Mommy I was on TV this week
Ahhh lets catch up shall we!
Ahhh lets catch up shall we!
Kanye loves archectechual art! Check out these stairs....

And of course he had a pic oh him and his new SP girl, Amber (right?lol)

but what was funny is that I went to one of the more "Commerical" publications and found this picture...

Now while the more "commercial" publication just commented on Kanye introducing Pink to his new "girlfriend", I thought to myself oh to be a fly on the wall! Especially when Pink found out Amber (?) is from Philly like her! I know Pink was like "Oh that changes everything!" lol...I dont know somehow I just figure Philly is a small world. Im sure they know some of the same folks

Speaking of B shes about to be busy...Bout to go on tour..YAY!!! (with Solange (even yayer!!!)) and she follows up Michelle Obama on the cover of Vogue!
I dont know Keri...sounds like a checkmate!
Oh and a final thought...Rihanna partied last night with Jay, Bee and our girl Brandy..umm heres a picture...I wander what Brandy was laughin at?

Friday, March 13, 2009
The Roots Picnic is back! And you know I got details!
Black Keys (gotta look him up lol)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Oh Hell No! MSNBC gives the public a chance to grade President Obama and you mean to tell me ...
Hey do you think your kid is good enough to work at the White House?
White House Internship Program Application Summer 2009 Program – May 22 to August 14InstructionsThis is the application for the summer internship program from May 22nd to August 14th. The White House internship program is a full-time program. There are no part-time internships.
1. All applicants must submit a completed application packet ON or BEFORE Sunday, March 22nd. A completed packet includes:
White House Internship Application/Cover Letter
Current Resume
One page resume
Applicants should NOT include their name on this document. Instead, place the full birth date and the last four digits of your social security number in the right hand corner (ex: 03-09-1988-4444)
Unofficial Current Transcript
Three Letters of Recommendation
Please make sure the recommender includes their contact information on their letter of recommendation. We may follow up with additional questions.Three Essays.
Each answer should be between 300-500 words in length.
2. To be eligible an applicant must be: United States citizen
At least 18 years of age on or before the first day of the internship
Currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a college, community college or university OR graduated in the past two years from undergraduate or graduate program at a college, community college or university
3. The application packet must be submitted by email.A complete application packet is preferred. If the letters of recommendation or transcript are emailed separately, please make sure that the applicant’s name is in the subject line. The email address is: intern_application@whitehouse.gov.
Confirmation of the receipt of your completed application will come 1-3 days after it has been received.
If you have questions or problems with this form please contact White House Personnel at 202-456-5979 or intern_application@whitehouse.
Application Cover Letter Personal InformationLast Name: First Name: Middle Name: Date of Birth: Cell Phone: Secondary Phone: Email address: Current Address and Apartment/Unit#: City: State: Zip: Permanent Street Address and Apt/Unit #: City: State: Zip:
Have you served as a White House intern before: Y/NHow did you hear about the White House Internship Program: Are you a U.S. Citizen? Y/N
EducationCollege or University: Expected Graduation Date: Major Field (college only): Minor Field (college only): Cumulative GPA: References Please list three references. These may or may not be the individuals who wrote your letter of recommendation. Full Name Relationship Company Phone Full Name Relationship Company Phone Full Name Relationship Company Phone Offices of InterestPlease list, in order of preference, the five offices that most interest you. Effort is made to accommodate preference, but we do not guarantee placement in your preference. View the descriptions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete Application
Resume Submitted: Y/N
Three letters of recommendation submitted with application: Y/N
Did you submit an unofficial transcript with your application: Y/N
If you answered no to a question above, please explain:
If not accepted to the White House Internship Program, may we forward your application to other government agencies? Y/NEssays (Please respond in 300-500 words)Please attach the essays in one document and send with your application.
1. Explain your commitment to public service and service to country generally—include an instance when you asserted your leadership in a community or civic activity, what you learned, and how you think this internship could further advance your leadership and personal goals in this area. 2. Which of the President’s policies, initiatives or campaign achievements is most important to you? Why? 3. Choose one of your preference offices and explain why you want to work there and what you would bring to the office. Certification My statements on this form and any attachments are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that falsification of any of my answers will lead to the rejection of my application and/or immediate dismissal from the program. Upon the acceptance to the White House Intern Program, candidates must consent to security investigation prior to their start date and a random drug test. All security measures are confidential and intended to protect the applicant as well as the Executive Office of The President.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Everything that happened on today's show...

And go check out her at her BLOG!!!! Sistas doin big things! I love it
Oh and yesterday Touchtone sent me this really cool new Marsha Ambrosius (of Floetry) song! And I love him for it because she has the BEST VOICE I have heard in a really long time! Dont believe me?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
For all my folks that are gonna be at the Black Hollywood Panel...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Oh my god this is the worse example of product placement ever!
Something that may interest my talented Philly/Jersey/Delaware Folks!

On March 14, the Red Bull Music Academy comes to town for the first in a series of events in 2009 to discover Philadelphia's most promising musical talents -- from musicians to songwriters, MC's, vocalists, DJs andgeneral music enthusiasts. Selected applicants for the 2009 activation will be fortuante enough to attend the 2010 RBBMA in London for two weeks with all expenses paid!This March 14, Red Bull will execute a one-day "Sample This" session lecture with one of Philly's favorite sons, internationally acclaimed musician Ahmir "?uestlove" Thompson; along with a Logic software clinic provided by Apple Inc.'s Bill Lee and product demos from Applton, Q base, Rane and Pioneer.
Space is limited -- to attend please send a music sample, myspace link or website and a brief synopsis of why you make music.
Man I love new music!
Musiq Soulchild - "sobeautiful"
Musiq Soulchild - "sobeautiful"