So last week I inroduced PIFA to Laiyasworld. It's a really great arts festival coming to Philly. Actually it might be one of the largest art festivals to hit the area in light of the 10 million dollar grant that is funding it! Well listen I'm thankful that they have asked me to let you guys know about some of the things that might interest us! I always took French throughout school, from kiindegarden to college. Now with all those classes you would think I could skate through a French conversation with no problem. Well you would be wrong lol. Its crazy though because I love the language, but I always make the joke that as long as I can say in French, "Ou est la toilet"(where is the toilet?) or "Je parle un peu francais" (I speak a little French), I should be good. Needless to say Im open to learn more and definitely open to learning FOR FREE lol. So PIFA has joined Alliance Francaise de Philadelphie for French in 10 minutes for the weeks of April 11-28. It looks pretty cool. They will actually touch on specific topics like wine and food (which sounds even better lol) and there will be authentic teachers. So put it on your calendar and I will see you there! As a matter of fact you may want to start following them on Twitter (@Pifaphilly) and on Facebook ! In the meantime, here is a quick French lesson on behalf of Laiyasworld lol....proudly supported by PIFA
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