Then I saw this pic with one of my heroes....Howard Stern of course! I have been a Stern fan for a very long time, and one of the main reasons goes along with the same reason I have love for Tracey. I just think there is something great about getting paid to be yourself and to get paid to be yourself because you entertain other people just being who you are. As a radio person I look at other radio people sideways when they say they arent a fan of Sterns lol. To evoke the kind of emotion he does from his audience is admirable. Believe or not its hard work being the person people love to hate. Ask Wendy, ask Star, ask Rush (even though aint much lovin going on there). Anyway thats my Howard rant, not to mention as much as some of you cant stand her, he did make Robin Quivers the richest BLACK WOMAN in radio!