Maybe it was the heat today, lol. But first and foremost biggups to the Boys and Girls Club of Norther Jersey! I hosted their annual Talent Expo for the second time today and those kids were amazing! So shout out to Kenny, Moe, KT and the judges especially Ms. Janet Hubbard who you know as the orginal "Aunt Viv" on "Fresh Prince of Bel Air".

Its crazy because Ive always been a fan especially when I heard she studied with Alvin Ailey! She also was in the orginal production of "Cats" along with several other Broadway productions. She now works with a few charieties amongst other ventures. Anyway shes hella cool and she gave those kids great advice! Check out what she told this group boys that were actually very talented dancers, but ter umm there was one distraction, lol. Check out Ms Janet! (And shout out to the Space Boys!)
Can you believe they have actual "people dryers" at Six Flags? lol Unbelievable
Hey and look! Even Green Lantern and The Flash are down with "Operation: Get Laiya Back On the Radio!" lol Thanks Irize!
It was a great time and shout out to my crew (Irize,Poosie, Schanel,Nazir,Phya) for hittin the roller coasters with me although i think im gettin too old. My brain is still rattling!