Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So todays extra buzz pics are about jealousy

So my so called friend Questlove sent this out on his Twitter to make me jealous....and yes I am

These are Madonna's shoes...Im just a little jealous

And after a long hard talk with myself about this Serena/Common relationship I have come to the conclusion that yes I am jealous lol, of her booty , her man and the ravenous sex they probably have...mind you in HAWAII!!! Im jealous of that too.... never been there lol

And jealous of Selma because is it me or is she sexier after this baby? And although the daddy is but ugly the baby is beautiful. Maybe its his billions that made her pretty lol

Oh and well...why not? They are beautiful

1 comment:

jomama said...

OMG - would love to trade places with Serena right now if only for the fact that she's dating Common! I'm soooo jealous - she's a lucky girl.

It would be awesome to meet Obama so definitely jealous of Questlove.

I'm jealous of Janet's abs, Tyra's height, and Selma's exotic flair.

Not so excited about Madonna's shoes - she can keep them!